A typical use of rich traditional Ghanaian beads; obviously one of the few significant traditions that differenciates us from the others. In the past, Ghanaian beads were worn only on special ocassions. And were the most significant items that were dispalyed during the DIPO RITES of the people in Krobo land.
The DIPO RITES are performed to transform girls into womanhood. History has it that Ghanaian women who go through this rites are virgins hence it was a disgrace for a young woman to be defiled (not a virgin) before this rite is performed

A young woman going through the Ghanaian Dipo Rites

Another young dipo girl
A rising trend due to modernisation: Given that some families have found it quite embarassing to have their growing girls go through the dipo rites, the ages of young women who are taken through these rites have reduced, Infact so drastically that toddlers can be found in the long dipo rite queues....

This is the rite that started today's waist beads trend.....as time went on, the use of traditional beads as waist beads even in Ghana changed...So much so that in place of the big, heavy and thick traditional waist beads, are smaller and crystal seed beads that come in a wider range of colours and textures

.....Gradually replacing the tradioanal Ghanaian waist beads